Published inThe StartupYou’re Using Lerp WrongLinear interpolation, or “lerp” for short, is a technique commonly used when programming things like games or GUIs. In principle, a lerp…Jan 24, 20216Jan 24, 20216
Published inThe StartupWhy Computer Science?One debate I see beat back and forth frequently on Reddit and Hacker News is the value of a Computer Science degree. Many people make the…Jan 18, 2021Jan 18, 2021
Published inThe StartupPython Decorators ExplainedIf you’ve spent even a little bit of time using common Python frameworks, such as Flask, you’ve undoubtedly seen decorators in use. These…Dec 19, 20203Dec 19, 20203
Published inThe StartupThe Student’s Guide to LaTeX Markup: What It Is and Why You Want ItWith another academic year around the corner, whether classes are in person or online, now is a good time to look into a useful tool that…Jul 29, 2020Jul 29, 2020
Published inThe StartupWriting a GUI Application with Python and Py2AppHave you ever wanted to whip up a quick and dirty graphical interface for a utility you made, and give your Python script a first-class…Jun 12, 20202Jun 12, 20202
Published inThe StartupBaking Static Sites with Python and JinjaI have long been a proponent of static site generation, even before the (relatively) recent wave of tools like Jekyll, Hugo and Gatsby. In…May 30, 2020May 30, 2020